Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bitter Is The New Black

Long time, no post. Why, you ask?

Well life threw me a gigantic curve ball that I'm still trying to figure out how to hit. After 9 months at Company A I was let go. I'll be blunt: Fired. I never imagined myself to be fired from something, especially something that I put in countless hours, 7-days a week, relentlessness only to be taken down by something as silly as Typos. But everything happens for a reason?

After being voted off the island I went home for an extended Christmas Break (thanks NJ blizzard!) and had a lot of time to look at my life: where I've been, where I want to go and where can I really go?

This isn't about focusing on my health, fitness or cleanliness anymore, this is about my future. The world is my oyster right now and with my parents' blessing I get to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and go do it, no matter what. However, I'm terrified. Everyone who knows me knows that I fight hard for something when I want it, I follow my heart no matter what kind of dead end it leads me to and I never, ever give up. But what if the world isn't ready for me? What if I'm not good enough? What if all that hard work didn't pay off?

After some soul searching and determining the likelihood of a career path I am going to pursue public relations and event coordination. I have the experience, I have the passion, I have the love of AP Style, I have the guts and with another few months at Crossfit I'll have the look ;)

All I need is for a company to give me a chance. Life threw me a couple curve balls earlier in my career when CNN went on a hiring freeze and I had to take what I could while constantly networking and trying to find a company to take me in. I worked my hiney off to get those internships at CNN and I do not want them to be a waste.

Public relations companies if you're reading this - and you should be because blogging is so big right now - Give Me a Chance. I'm passionate, dedicated, ruthless and I will appreciate the opportunity more than any other candidate. Guaranteed.

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